To purchase, or for inquiries
please call us at 505-424-9330 M-F or email at info@silverandsaddles.com

Mortenson Mexican Charro
$ 8,500.00
Our highly elaborated Charro saddle is an adorned duplicate of the saddle Tommy Lee Jones rode in the 2003 revisionist western The Missing. In the film it is an 1870’s style Mexican saddle also made by Mortenson Saddlery. More recently, Dolly Parton made use of this saddle as prop in one of her Hallmark Movies.
This replica is decorated with beautiful elaborate sterling silver detailing. The horn features a thick 5½” intricately engraved horn cap, even the rigging on each side is adorned with engraved vines. It is fully tooled in Style.
Maker: Mortenson Saddlery - Wes Mastic
Finished Seat Size: 16½”
Type of Saddle: Mexican Charro
New or Used: New
Type of Tooling: Sheridan Style
Weight: 34lbs
Tree Construction: Wood Rawhide Covered
Gullet Width: 6½”
Cantle Height: 4”
Finished Horn Height: 4”
Horn Cap Width : 6”
Concho Type/ Description: Sterling Silver

Chester Hape Saddle
$ 10,000.00
This saddle made by Chester Hape (March 3, 1935 – November 23, 2017) represents a piece of American saddle making history. Hape studied and learned under Don King in Sheridan, WY, who is known as The Godfather of the world-wide admired Sheridan tooling style. Hape was commissioned for 13 years in a row to build the championship saddles for the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. His attention to detail and personalized style of infinite vines has also earned his saddles a place in the Cowboy Hall of Fame.
Showcased on this particular saddle is his signature rose pattern. The softness of the petals and the intricate, never-ending vines, truly demonstrate this grand master’s talent. The flow of the design is immaculate and stays uninterrupted even on the saddlebags. The horn proudly carries a 3¾” sterling silver cap. Lastly one will notice the chocolate brown lace work, beautifully braided, that transitions off into a buck-stitch frame onto the seat.
Maker: Chester Hape
Finished Seat Size: 15”
Type of Saddle: Roping
New or Used: New
Type of Tooling: Fully Tooled in Hape’s signature Rose Pattern
Rigging Type: in Skirt 7/8
Weight: 38lbs
Skirt Length (Front to Back): 28”
Tree Construction: Wood Rawhide Covered
Gullet Width: 6½“
Cantle Height: 3“
Finished Horn Height: 3”
Horn Cap Width : 3¾”
Concho Type/ Description: Sterling Silver Horn Cap
call us at 505-424-9330 M-F or email at info@silverandsaddles.com